Nothing more than this. Bernd Preinfalk, double bass, Peter Androsch, guitar, and Didi Bruckmayr, vocals. Nothing more, and that is what is so wonderful about this CD. The three artists from Linz strum, babble, tell stories. 22 gems fill the new CD Dr Didi – New Songs that was just released on Extraplatte.
You will hear lieder, or anti-lieder, in between you can find little pavanes and polonaise. The CD begins just like a children’s play, more on that note on Monday in Pasticcio, and ends like a horror audio book, and just like Otto Lechner once described his music, between that the three wander from room to room, little chambers open up into great halls, glistening light travels along skewed walls, back into a gloomy closeness. The listener is given the space to spontaneously write a series of mini-novels.
Didi Bruckmayr, performance artists and singer, Peter Androsch, composer and Bernd Preinfalk, composer, the three do so much more, but in this case they go crazy in the smallest possible space.
The three musicians, addicted to the moon, play as Dr Didi on their current release New Songs. Almost in a casual manner, the cover tells us that the CD was recorded entirely on a Friday afternoon in a living-room without any technical tricks.
The texts, written by Didi Bruckmayr, get to the heart of the political part of his work. Here come the assholes, with their share-holder values.
Wolfgang Schlag in “Spielräume” im Radio OE 1 am 30. 11. 2007